Nextcomic 2014 peeps and exhibit

Nextcomic Festival took place this March and early April somewhere around Linz, Wels and Steyr. A lot of big, huge and gargantuan names, a larger number of venues than in previous years and several slightly demented parties at Der Rote Krebs, KAPU and Roeda. Amongst the giants: Max Andersson(his comics and movie Tito on ice), M.S. Bastian, Joseph Lambert, Kus komiks, Sharmila Banerjee, Andy Leuenberger, Hirntrust, Lilli Gärtner & Christina Gransow, Gerhard Haderer, Christoph Abbrederis, Roiss & Silke Müller, Simon H. of Tonto Comics, Paul Paetzel, Kyle Platts, David Mathews, Tisch 14 and little old me. Had an exhibition at Röda, sold a few comics and panicked way too much. All in all 'twas a jolly good time.

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