Special attention to ladies'&childrens' hair bobbling

Over here we have some stickers i made a couple of months ago + a friend's hand-drawn.

i like to refer to this piece as death with flowers. and it is some sort of a flag.

this was meant to be a flyer for dropdread, yet ended up as a sticker. it didn't turn out exactly how i thought it would but still i like, the same way i like rotten cheese, even though it stinks.

i went home for 2 days and this is what i remembered.

and this goes BONUS: a nice link to some sexy old shiznit. as the saying goes: you can take the shit out of the man but you can't take the man out of shit, hihihi...


Arabela said...

You are in my list of 10 great blogs and recived a blog award

Anonymous said...

Waaa cât de corectă duma cu you can't take the man out of shit!!!
Cât despre stickere...vreau şi eu unuL! :D

so.sorry said...

stickere nu mai am, dar poate mai printez la un moment dat, si daca voi avea, i le dau fratelui meu pentru tine :} duma cu shit mi-a venit de la hartie igienica :P

waka_x said...

sper sa nu te gati niciodata.
dar sa ai orgasme puternice.