off for a while,
be back in no time

story reteller

my biggest piece yet, 90x90 cm, here's a preview piece of the peach. the rest to come in june.

pass the port part9

made a badge a present before i got the chance to scan it, but this is as close as i got to replicating it.
rest are recollections or pieces of the crumbs crawling in my mind, which are very few anyway.
Iarmaroc is a great retreat for hippy camouflage, no more rain just mudd.

holy contribution from saint

runners up for cover tata și țâță #4, launch party tonite at Panarama bar, Str. Mihail Moxa 20

passport part8

while i learn how to walk on paper again and again

look behind you

low quality scan of great kerning and graphic setting: patrula școlară de circulație


i've been waiting for Th to upload this shit since winter and here it is, finally:
illustrations for OllieGangShop.