an extract of our show, which took place last Friday night, part of Noaptea Alba a Galeriilor.
It was held at Kollector Gallery, an obscure outlet for "art hoes and design hustlers" in the
vicinity of Fabrica club.

Silestru handled all the mutant sculpture works, Vlad's piece was a personal map of memories
hanging 2 and a half meters tall. Mîndru collected some of his vector illustrations and printed
them on "N-am bani" sweat shirts while Turbo showcased 4 photographs, part of his graduation
piece. Samih doodled frenetic fat squeezer marks and Dj Camil dazzled what was left of our dazed
brains. Mister Ciprian Dicu was left in charge of the chaotic curator job but also glued a custom
made phrase for this specific occasion: "no money makes you smart when you're a stupid fuck".

The photos are fuzzy in part, sorry for the low quality, it's because i use a soapbox for a camera.
Hope you can, however, get a blurry picture of what we managed to gather in our grotto.

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